Effective Treatments for Managing Melasma

Melasma is a cosmetic issue only, often triggered by the sun or hormonal changes, that causes darkened patches of skin, but it can take quite a toll on your self-esteem. Fortunately, our aesthetic providers at Tulsa Hills Cosmetic and Laser Skin Center, serving Tulsa, OK, and the nearby region, stress the importance of getting treatment. And, luckily for you, we offer several treatments.

Topical Treatments

We may recommend a topical treatment to lessen the darkened skin, especially in the less severe cases. The ointment we prescribe may contain a corticosteroid, kojic acid, hydroquinone, or tretinoin. These treatments often work slowly, and it may take weeks or months for you to notice results. 

We'd like to note that each one works differently. For instance, corticosteroids reduce inflammation and are often prescribed along with other medications. Kojic acid, on the other hand, blocks an enzyme your body uses to make melanin.

Chemical Peels 

Chemical peels use a chemical, as their name suggests, to remove the top layer(s) of skin. How deeply the medication penetrates depends on the chemical used. For instance, salicylic acid only targets the top layers, while a deeper chemical peel may use phenol that can reach the dermis.

The purpose of the peel is to remove layers of skin to expose a new layer of less flawed skin. 

Laser Therapy 

If you visit our Tulsa, OK, office, for melasma treatment, we may recommend a laser treatment. We'll direct the light energy toward the problematic skin. The pigments will absorb the light energy and convert it into heat. As it does, the melanin in the area breaks down. Your body ushers it away through your lymphatic system. 

Lifestyle Advice 

Though your genetics predispose you to melasma, hormonal changes, and the sun can play roles as well. Therefore, you can take steps to reduce the severity and prevalence of this condition. 

For instance, while everyone should be wearing sunscreen and reapplying it frequently, if you have melasma, this is even more important. The sun can cause and/or worsen melasma, and sunscreen provides a barrier between your skin and the sun, lessening its effects on your skin. It can also help to wear a hat, sunglasses, and lightweight clothing to shield you from the sun. 

Moreover, if you're on hormonal birth control or taking hormone replacement therapy, you may want to discuss your other options with your primary care physician or gynecologist. 

At Tulsa Hills Cosmetic and Laser Skin Center, serving Tulsa, OK, and the neighboring communities, our team can help reduce the intensity of melasma through various treatments.

Call us at (918) 293-1287 today to find a treatment for your melasma.

Melasma is a cosmetic issue only, often triggered by the sun or hormonal changes, that causes darkened patches of skin, but it can take quite a toll on your self-esteem. Fortunately, our aesthetic providers at Tulsa Hills Cosmetic and Laser Skin Center, serving Tulsa, OK, and the nearby region, stress the importance of getting treatment. And, luckily for you, we offer several treatments.

Topical Treatments

We may recommend a topical treatment to lessen the darkened skin, especially in the less severe cases. The ointment we prescribe may contain a corticosteroid, kojic acid, hydroquinone, or tretinoin. These treatments often work slowly, and it may take weeks or months for you to notice results. 

We'd like to note that each one works differently. For instance, corticosteroids reduce inflammation and are often prescribed along with other medications. Kojic acid, on the other hand, blocks an enzyme your body uses to make melanin.

Chemical Peels 

Chemical peels use a chemical, as their name suggests, to remove the top layer(s) of skin. How deeply the medication penetrates depends on the chemical used. For instance, salicylic acid only targets the top layers, while a deeper chemical peel may use phenol that can reach the dermis.

The purpose of the peel is to remove layers of skin to expose a new layer of less flawed skin. 

Laser Therapy 

If you visit our Tulsa, OK, office, for melasma treatment, we may recommend a laser treatment. We'll direct the light energy toward the problematic skin. The pigments will absorb the light energy and convert it into heat. As it does, the melanin in the area breaks down. Your body ushers it away through your lymphatic system. 

Lifestyle Advice 

Though your genetics predispose you to melasma, hormonal changes, and the sun can play roles as well. Therefore, you can take steps to reduce the severity and prevalence of this condition. 

For instance, while everyone should be wearing sunscreen and reapplying it frequently, if you have melasma, this is even more important. The sun can cause and/or worsen melasma, and sunscreen provides a barrier between your skin and the sun, lessening its effects on your skin. It can also help to wear a hat, sunglasses, and lightweight clothing to shield you from the sun. 

Moreover, if you're on hormonal birth control or taking hormone replacement therapy, you may want to discuss your other options with your primary care physician or gynecologist. 

At Tulsa Hills Cosmetic and Laser Skin Center, serving Tulsa, OK, and the neighboring communities, our team can help reduce the intensity of melasma through various treatments.

Call us at (918) 293-1287 today to find a treatment for your melasma.

Tulsa Hills Cosmetic & Laser Skin Center

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Tulsa Hills Cosmetic & Laser Skin Center


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