What To Expect From Sclerotherapy

While they may sound scary and sometimes look scary, spider veins are typically harmless. Spider veins cause the veins to be very visible, often on the legs. While spider veins are harmless, they can affect the way that you feel about how you look. They can cause you to feel self-conscious and uncomfortable with your appearance. There are minimally invasive ways to reduce the appearance of spider veins and help you feel confident in your skin again. The aesthetic providers at Tulsa Hills Cosmetic and Laser Skin Center in Tulsa, OK, can explain what sclerotherapy is and how it can help reduce the appearance of spider veins and restore your lost confidence. 

Getting Rid of Spider Veins 

Spider veins can make you feel uncomfortable with how your legs look and you might find yourself constantly covering up to avoid embarrassment. There are ways to get rid of spider veins and get the even skin that you’ve been dreaming of. The procedure is known as sclerotherapy and is minimally invasive. To perform sclerotherapy, your dermatologist in Tulsa, OK, will inject a solution directly into the vein that you’re looking to remove. 

After the solution is injected into the vein, it will collapse and fade over time. These veins are not necessary for functionality, and it’s a very low-risk procedure. There is no downtime needed after the treatment and you can continue enjoying your day as normal. It’s important that you continue to walk and move around after treatment to help prevent any blood clots from forming.  

Contact Our Dermatologist Today 

Find out how you can get rid of annoying spider veins. Contact the team at Tulsa Hills Cosmetic and Laser Skin Center in Tulsa, OK, to learn more about sclerotherapy and what to expect. Call for more information and to schedule your appointment today at (918) 293-1287.

While they may sound scary and sometimes look scary, spider veins are typically harmless. Spider veins cause the veins to be very visible, often on the legs. While spider veins are harmless, they can affect the way that you feel about how you look. They can cause you to feel self-conscious and uncomfortable with your appearance. There are minimally invasive ways to reduce the appearance of spider veins and help you feel confident in your skin again. The aesthetic providers at Tulsa Hills Cosmetic and Laser Skin Center in Tulsa, OK, can explain what sclerotherapy is and how it can help reduce the appearance of spider veins and restore your lost confidence. 

Getting Rid of Spider Veins 

Spider veins can make you feel uncomfortable with how your legs look and you might find yourself constantly covering up to avoid embarrassment. There are ways to get rid of spider veins and get the even skin that you’ve been dreaming of. The procedure is known as sclerotherapy and is minimally invasive. To perform sclerotherapy, your dermatologist in Tulsa, OK, will inject a solution directly into the vein that you’re looking to remove. 

After the solution is injected into the vein, it will collapse and fade over time. These veins are not necessary for functionality, and it’s a very low-risk procedure. There is no downtime needed after the treatment and you can continue enjoying your day as normal. It’s important that you continue to walk and move around after treatment to help prevent any blood clots from forming.  

Contact Our Dermatologist Today 

Find out how you can get rid of annoying spider veins. Contact the team at Tulsa Hills Cosmetic and Laser Skin Center in Tulsa, OK, to learn more about sclerotherapy and what to expect. Call for more information and to schedule your appointment today at (918) 293-1287.

Tulsa Hills Cosmetic & Laser Skin Center

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